How to Spend Time with God as a Busy Mom

How to Spend Time with God as a Busy Mom

+Free Bible Study Printables+ Making time for God as a busy mom isn’t always the easiest thing to do. But, studying God’s Word is one of the most important things we can do to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. Learn the key to spending more time with God, as well as 22 TIPS to help you consistently get in the Word each day.

To the Mom Who is Weary

To the Mom Who is Weary

Dear Mama,

I know you are tired. There are many noses to wipe, floors to clean, and meals to be had. I know, at the end of the day, you go to bed exhausted. And, perhaps even before the sun, you rise exhausted. But, Jesus has a few instructions for us weary moms.